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Active ingredients are those intended to influence biological activity. They are single technologies/chemistries (that may include carriers, solvents, etc.) used as individual components in cosmetics and personal care preparations. 

Actives are further divided by product categories.

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Base ingredients serve a supporting, complementary role in a formulation. They are single technologies/chemistries (that may include carriers, solvents, etc.) used as individual components in cosmetics and personal care preparations.

Base ingredients are further divided by product categories.

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Ingredient blends are combinations of single ingredients that work synergistically together. An ingredient blend does not stand alone as a formula. Ingredient blends are further divided by product categories.

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Prototype products and chassis refer to preparations that are not commercially available to consumers. These may include product concepts that manufacturers may build upon and commercialize, and/or concepts prepared to demonstrate ingredient capabilities and/or formulating services. These may also include contract manufacturer products that are not yet commercialized. Prototype products/chassis are further divided by product categories.

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Finished formulas refer to optimized cosmetics and personal care products that are commercially available to the consumer. These may include contract manufacturer formulas that have been commercialized. Finished formula entries are divided based on their intended positioning in the market (subject to interpretation by the entrant).

Indie formulas are considered boutique-style products, often positioned as “mom-and-pop shop” and/or handcrafted, that are typically mid-priced and aligned with specific tenets (clean, vegan, organic, etc.)

Finished formula entries are further divided by product categories .

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Finished formulas refer to optimized cosmetics and personal care products that are commercially available to the consumer. These may include contract manufacturer formulas that have been commercialized. Finished formula entries are divided based on their intended positioning in the market (subject to interpretation by the entrant).

Mass market formulas are considered those intended for a broader consumer base that are often sold through large “big box” retail channels, typically at lower price points.

Finished formula entries are further divided by product categories .

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Finished formulas refer to optimized cosmetics and personal care products that are commercially available to the consumer. These may include contract manufacturer formulas that have been commercialized. Finished formula entries are divided based on their intended positioning in the market (subject to interpretation by the entrant).

Prestige formulas are considered premium products positioned for the luxury consumer that are often sold at a higher price point through specialized channels.

Finished formula entries are further divided by product categories .

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Beauty devices are mechanized tools developed for at-home use by beauty consumers for cosmetic and/or personal care purposes. They may be intended for stand-alone use or paired with topical products.

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Test methods/tools include AI-driven, high-throughput, in vitro, ex vivo, etc., substrates, protocols and technologies developed for cosmetics R&D purposes to support product or ingredient claims; prove efficacy, safety and stability; etc.

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Digital technologies for consumer users include smartphone apps, retailer “diagnostic tools,” VR/AR/metaverse appliances, etc., developed for beauty and personal care purposes.

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Digital technologies for use by businesses include software, platforms, blockchain, sensors, etc., for project management, material sourcing, inventory tracking, production monitoring, etc., in the cosmetics industry.

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